In utero |
Nutrition Growth Development |
Type of family (one or two parents, same sex) |
Geographic demography Urban or rural Environmental exposure Migration |
Infancy and Childhood |
Breast-feeding Physical, psychological, and emotional health Special needs Personality Activity Sleep pattern |
Parents (including their relationship) Siblings (birth order), adoption, grandparents, cousins, Pets |
Education, stimulation Indoctrination: Religious, political Realizing potential Screen time (computer, TV) |
Adolescence |
Rites of passage Health behaviors, including sexuality Substance use, including: tobacco, alcohol, drugs, eating behavior |
School friends, peer group Social networks |
Higher education Vocational training Military service |
Adulthood |
Personality type Sense of humor Creativity Separation and individuation Spiritual/religious–existential belief system(s) Self-knowledge Shadows |
Spouse (mate selection) and in-laws Children (letting go) At work: Superiors and colleagues Lovers Sexual activity |
Employment, occupation, career trajectory Home, leisure time, music, art, literature Media and information technology Socio-economic class, religious values |
Middle Age |
Coping strategies through life events, including: Marriage, birth, infertility, divorce, menopause, retirement, disease, bereavement, misfortune, bankruptcy |
Care of parents Grandchildren Friends Strangers, herd behavior |
Political system and ideology National Identity Social class, societal values, social justice Culture Disasters: Natural, man-made |
Old Age |
Physiological, psychological, and cognitive decline Chronic disease Chronic pain Thoughts of mortality |
Family Friends Helpers |
Housing, sheltered living, institution |