Figure 1.
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Clinical Trials (CONSORT) Flow Chart of Included and Excluded Patients.
The inclusion criteria were: physical status of I–III based on the American Society of Anesthesiologists criteria; and scheduled to undergo elective TKA due to osteoarthritis.
* The exclusion criteria were: previous TKA, revision of TKA, TKA due to trauma or etiology other than osteoarthritis, age<18, a skin infection, allergy to local anesthetic, pre-existing peripheral neuropathy, opioid dependence, coagulopathy, chronic pain syndrome, dementia, inability to comprehend the pain scale or to use the PCA device.
FNBG, femoral nerve block group; MNBG, multiple nerve blocks group; PCA, patient-controlled analgesia; PONV, postoperative nausea and vomiting; POD-1, first postoperative day; TKA, total knee arthroplasty.