Table 2.

Uncontrolled Studies Published Before 1990 of the Outcomes of Endoscopic Sphincterotomy in Patients with Common Bile Duct Stones.

Author Mean age y Patients n Stone Clearance n (%)* Additional CBDI Needed (ES or Surg.) n (%) Complications n (%) Mortality n (%) Length of Hospital Stay d (range)
Cotton (1982)18 75.0 71 61/71 (85.9) 2/71 (2.8) 2/71 (2.8) 1/71 (1.4) NG

Danilewitz (1984)11 61.9 53 48/53 (90.6) NG 5/53 (9.4) 0/53 (0.0) NG

Escourrou et al. (1984)21 79.0 443 428/443 (91.2) 7/443 (1.6) 27/443 (6.1) 6/443 (1.4) NG

Neoptolemos et al. (1984)20 78.0 100 91/100 (91.0) 5/100 (5.0) 13/100 (13.0) 1/100 (1.0) NG

Roberts-Thomson (1984)12 63.0 300 147/164 (90.0) 5/300 (1.7) 14/300 (4.7) 0/300 (0.0) NG

Leow and Thompson (1986)22 79.5 20 16/20 (80.0) NG NG 0/20 (0.0) NG

Duron et al. (1987)25 83.0 33 25/26 (96.2) 1/33 (3.0) 0/33 (0.0) 2/33 (6.1) NG
Neoptolemos et al. (1987)19 75.7 190 156/190 (82.1) 19/190 (10.0) 33/190 (17.4) 15/190 (7.9) NG

Davidson (1988)17 79.0 106 98/106 (97.1) 6/106 (5.7) 21/106 (19.8) 12/106 (11.3) NG

Ikeda et al. (1988)13 65.0 469 438/469 (93.4) NG 30/469 (6.4) 2/469 (0.4) NG

Miller et al. (1988)14 68.0 156 133/156 (85.3) 18/156 (11.5) 22/156 (14.1) 5/156 (3.2) 6.0

Siegel et al. (1988)5 73.3 1272 NG 25/1272 (2.0) 109/1272 (8.6) 2/1272 (0.2) NG

Hansell et al. (1989)24 80.0 121 115/121 (95.0) 4/121 (3.3) 5/121 (4.1) 6/121 (5.0) NG

Heinerman et al. (1989)10 56.3 190 189/190 (99.5) 1/190 (0.5) 4/190 (2.1) 0/190 (0.0) NG

Ingoldby et al. (1989)23 79.7 186 172/186 (92.5) 4/186 (2.2) 9/186 (4.8) 3/186 (1.6) 3.7

Worthley (1989)16 73.0 50 44/50 (88.0) 7/50 (14.0) 12/50 (24.0) 0/50 (0.0) 3.0

Miller and Ferguson (1990)15 NG 58 52/58 (90.0) 6/58 (10.3) 6/58 (10.3) 1/58 (1.7) 3.6

Total 56–83 3818 2210/2403 (92.0) 110/3306 (3.3) 312/3798 (8.2) 56/3818 (1.5) 3–6

The short mean hospital stay of patients undergoing ES suggests that the added complication rates, mortality rate, and hospital stay from the subsequent cholecystectomy were not taken into account.

* The denominators include the total number of patients entered into the trial, after excluding those with suspected but absent CBD stones.
† The denominators include the number of patients with available data.

CBDI, common bile duct interventions; d, day(s); NG, not given; y, year(s).

RMMJ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Rambam Health Care Campus 2024 April; 15(2): e0007. ISSN: 2076-9172
Published online 2024 April 28. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10521