Table 1.

Information Gleaned when Integrating Bite Mark Microbiome Analysis with DNA Profiling.

Benefit Information Gained Contribution to Forensic Investigations
Enhanced identification accuracy Unique microbial signature for each individual8,45
Includes information on the microorganisms within the human body, encompassing both the internal and external environment46
Enhanced accuracy in validating perpetrator identity and linking individuals to crime scenes
Complementary evidence Microbial DNA can be detected even when human DNA is limited, degraded, or contaminated47 Enables access to a broader range of evidence samples and reduces the number of false positive identifications
Extension of post-bite mark interval for analysis Microbial DNA remains intact after significant time periods,47 compared with traditional DNA that degrades over time Useful for cold case investigations
Holistic crime scene reconstruction Provides information about the environment, diet, possible social interactions, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, health conditions, and more45
Microbial communities are influenced by social interactions and a person’s daily routines46
Contributes to suspect profiling and the crime scene context
Detecting potential connections between suspects or witnesses
Human–microbe interaction dynamics Provides information on the intricate relationship between human hosts and the microorganisms residing within
Environmental microorganisms can be transferred during a biting incident
Contributes to investigation of factors influencing a biting incident and contributes to the reconstruction of surrounding events45
Geographical/temporal clues Microbiome data reflect known specific microbial differences in geography and the environment45,48
Microbial communities demonstrate temporal stability over shorter time frames40 and rapidly adapt in response to environmental fluctuations45
Geographical region can be deduced from microbiome data based on known specific microbial differences in geography and environment45,48 and give insights into geographic locations visited by a suspect
RMMJ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Rambam Health Care Campus 2024; 15(3): e0014. ISSN: 2076-9172
Published online 2024 July 30. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10528