Table 2.

Challenges and Strategies Associated with Microbiome-based Bite Mark Analysis.33,46,47,51,52

Challenges Strategies
Method standardization
  • Develop consistent guidelines for collecting, handling, and preserving samples. Specify standardized methods for DNA extraction, sequencing, and analysis.
  • Standardize metadata collection along with microbial data, including sample details, collection protocols, and environmental factors, to enhance data interpretation.
Validation studies
  • Curate a reference database of oral microbiomes from diverse populations, age groups, and oral health conditions.
  • Integrate metadata (e.g. geographic location, lifestyle) to contextualize the microbial profiles.
Quality control and assurance
  • Implement strict quality control steps to identify and correct technical artifacts, contamination, and batch effects during DNA extraction, sequencing, and analysis.
  • Regular monitoring and validation of laboratory procedures are necessary to ensure accurate results.
Data interpretation and integration
  • Develop algorithms and software tools for integrating microbial DNA and human DNA profiles to establish reliable associations.
  • Establish criteria for determining the strength of the microbial evidence and its correlation with human DNA evidence.
Microbial database development and curation
  • Regularly update the reference database to include new microbial species and variations discovered through ongoing research.
  • Implement protocols for maintaining data integrity, ensuring accessibility, and safeguarding against data loss.
Microbial biomarker identification
  • Identify specific microbial biomarkers associated with individuals, which can enhance the discriminatory power of the analysis.
Machine learning integration
  • Integrate machine learning tools to aid in taxonomic classification and identify discriminatory microbial signatures associated with individuals.
Sample collection and preservation
  • Investigate and optimize methods for preserving microbial DNA in bite mark samples over time for accurate analysis.
Population diversity consideration
  • Account for population-specific variations in oral microbiomes by including diverse population samples in the reference database.
Case studies and real-world testing
  • Apply microbiome-based analysis to real forensic cases to assess its practical applicability, reliability, and effectiveness.
Forensic reporting guidelines
  • Establish clear guidelines for reporting microbiome-based evidence in forensic reports to ensure transparency and clarity.
Courtroom acceptance and communication
  • Work with legal experts to ensure that microbiome-based evidence meets the standards for admissibility in court proceedings. Communicate results effectively.
Ethical considerations and informed consent
  • Develop ethical guidelines for the collection, use, and sharing of microbiome data and ensure informed consent from participants.
Integrated analysis validation and accreditation
  • Conduct blind testing where laboratories analyze the same samples without knowledge of their origins to assess consistency.
  • Collaborate with regulatory bodies to establish guidelines and accreditation standards for microbiome-based forensic analysis, ensuring adherence to quality and ethical standards.
RMMJ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Rambam Health Care Campus 2024; 15(3): e0014. ISSN: 2076-9172
Published online 2024 July 30. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10528