Table 2.

Documented Statements and Activities Reflecting the Support or Resistance of Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch to the Nazi Regime.*

Date Documented Activity of Professor Sauerbruch
1918–1927 Chief of Surgery, University of Munich; becomes acquainted with Karl Gebhardt and Karl Brandt who trained under his leadership46
1918–1919 Makes numerous public statements calling for “German unity, to regain the place that the German fatherland deserves after all the humiliations”43(p203)
1920 Introduced to the future Führer by Dietrich Eckart (first editor-in-chief of Volkischer Beobachter after coming under NSDAP) in Munich, asked to spread anti-Semitic propaganda among students43
1923: November 11 States that although the future Führer had good qualities and that he believed in him, he would always resist him politically43
1923: January 20 Mentions a recent conversation with the future Führer in a letter43
1923: September/October Meets with the future Führer in private clinic43
1923: November 8–9 Treats the future Fuhrer’s injured left shoulder after the failed Beer Hall Putsch (attempt to overthrow the current government); fully informed on the course and outcome of the putsch43
1923: November 10 Sends an assistant to the future Führer in Uffing43
1927–1949 Director of Surgery, Charité in Berlin
1933: March–November Oversees the dismissal of 13 Jewish physicians in accordance with the Professional Elimination47
1933: September Publishes an open letter to the medical professionals of the world; regarding his cooperation, states that he is “seriously concerned about the initial side effects” … [but that] “hard and difficult interventions that accompany every revolutionary act” should not obscure the “‘greatness’ of this (‘our’) revolution”43(p211–12)
1933 Publicly supports the National Socialist rise to power in multiple speeches43,44
1934: March Dismisses a Jewish surgical associate for no known reason47
1934: December Joins the main committee after dissolution of the Emergency Association of German Science43
1935 (throughout) Dismisses 11 Jewish associate professors and doctors of surgery following passage of the Nuremberg Laws47
1937 Becomes a member of the Reich Research Council; from 1941 onward, one of his tasks is signing documents approving medical research on humans in concentration camps or asylums44
1937: January 30 Receives the German National Prize for Art and Science
1937: September 18 Publicly expresses gratitude for the award from the Führer43
1939: March 5–7 Main speaker at the Reich Conference on Public Health and Genetic Poisons43
1942 Becomes a General Physician Inspector of the German Military Health Services, a member of the Academy of Military Physicians42,44
1942: End of May The Führer and Himmler urge K. Gebhardt to call in Sauerbruch to treat Heydrich (did not happen)43
1943: February Visits Mussolini who was ill43
1943: May Attends a meeting of the Berlin Military Medical Academy43
1943: Late Autumn Receives the Knight’s Cross to the War Merit Cross at a meeting of the German Society for Surgery
1943: November 9 Thanks a Reichsleiter of the NSDAP for congratulations on the award43
1943: December Goebbels’s Propaganda Ministry plan a “non-political anti-Bolshevik united front” involving Sauerbruch (the event was never held)43
* Unreferenced items appear in multiple publications discussing his life
RMMJ Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal Rambam Health Care Campus 2024 October; 15(4): e0019. ISSN: 2076-9172
Published online 2024 October 28. doi: 10.5041/RMMJ.10533