Documented Memberships and Activities Reflecting the Support or Resistance of Lorenz Böhler to the Nazi Regime.
Documented Memberships and Activities Reflecting the Support or Resistance of Lorenz Böhler to the Nazi Regime.
Date | Documented Activity of Professor Lorenz Böhler |
1934, March 4 | Becomes a member of the Vaterländische Front (a right-wing conservative nationalist Austrian organization that banned political opponents including communists, social democrats, and Austrian Nazis; disbanded by the Nazi Party immediately after the Anschluss) |
1938 | Joins the National Socialist People’s Welfare organization (NSV) |
1938 | Joins the Reich Air Protection League (RLB) |
1938, February 12 | Joins the NSDAP (retrospectively considered illegal from 1945; implies voluntary membership prior to the Anschluss) |
1938, February 13 | Receives membership number 6,361,999.65 in the NSDAP57 |
1939, June 18 | Becomes supporting member of the SS, membership number 1,415,799; SS- Abzeichen-Nr. 18,403.7457 |
1940, March 19 | Joins the National Socialist German Doctors’ League (NSDÄB), an organization that sought to align the medical profession with Nazi ideology and policies |
1940–1945 | Serves in the Wehrmacht as:
Consulting surgeon for Army Group 5 Oberfeldarzt (Medical Staff Officer), Vienna Rudolfspital in Reserve Hospital XIa* Oberfeldführer (Senior Field Leader), Landesstelle XVII, Medical Faculty’s Deanery |
1943, September 20 | Leo Eigenthaler provides a sworn statement supporting Böhler’s late (and therefore acceptable) NSDAP membership |
1943 | Blacklisted by the SS because of his suspect political stances, and denied paper to reprint his books (testimony of Böhler) |
1944, January 26 | Gau personnel office issues letter confirming Böhler’s NSDAP membership date |
1945, April | Decommissioned from the Linz Lazarett (Reserve Hospital)60 (XI-a)* (testimony of Böhler) |
1945, September 20 | Date of Böhler’s sworn statement that he joined the NSDAP under duress only after the Anschluss (Spring, 1938) |
1945 | Dismissed from the University of Vienna |
1947 | Cleared of all charges due to advocacy of Karl Renner and reinstated at University of Vienna |
All data taken from Nemec59 except where otherwise indicated.