Clinical Research in Oncology

Spermatocytic Variant of Classic Seminoma: A Report of Five Cases and a Brief Review of the Literature

Moshe E. Stein, Tomer Charas, Karen Drumea, Edmund Sabo, and Rahamim Ben-Yosef


Background. Spermatocytic seminoma is a rare testicular malignancy, appearing in the adult population. It has a good prognosis and a low rate of metastatic potential. Objectives. We present five cases diagnosed and treated with radiotherapy at Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, Israel. Methods. Between 1974 and 1996, five patients with stage I spermatocytic seminoma were referred post-orchiectomy to the Northern Israel Oncology Center. All five patients presented with the typical pathological features of the spermatocytic variant of classic seminoma, and all were staged clinically and radiologically. Results. Mean age at diagnosis was 44 years (range 30–58 years). Main symptoms included a palpable testicular mass and/or testicular enlargement. Mean duration of symptoms was 9 months (range 0.5–24 months). Three patients were irradiated to the para-aortic/ipsilateral iliacal lymph nodes (mean total dose 2,500 cGy), one patient with 4,000 cGy. One patient was irradiated to the bilateral iliacal lymph nodes (2,600 cGy). With a median follow-up of 15 years, four patients are alive with no evidence of disease or severe late side effects. One patient developed severe lymphedema and symptomatic peripheral vascular disease, stage IIA prostate carcinoma (hormonal and brachytherapy treatment) and a non-secretory hypophyseal adenoma (surgically removed); he died at the age of 75 due to severe peripheral vascular and coronary heart disease with no evidence of his first or second primaries. Conclusions. Prognosis is excellent and does not differ from classic seminoma. As in the accumulated experience in early-stage, low-risk classic seminoma, we suggest surveillance as the preferred policy.

Rambam Maimonides Med J 2014;5(3):e0021