Cognitive impairment encompasses a range of difficulties in mental processes such as memory, attention, and executive function. Accurate diagnosis is critical for effective management and treatment. Clinical evaluation is the cornerstone of diagnosing cognitive impairment. This involves a detailed patient history, clinical interviews, and behavioral observations.9 Table 1 provides a summary of the plethora of tools used to diagnose cognitive impairment.
 | Table 1 Overview of Tools Used in Diagnosing and Treating Cognitive Impairment. |
When conducting neuropsychological tests, it is important to consider the influence of various sociodemographic factors. It has been established that age and education level are significant indicators that can have a considerable impact on cognitive test results. For instance, a recent study found that patients with chronic hepatitis C had the lowest neurocognitive scores and the highest levels of depressive symptoms compared to other groups examined, indicating a significant effect of HCV on patients.47
Neuropsychological Tests
Neuropsychological tests are standardized assessments designed to measure specific cognitive functions. They help in differentiating between various types of cognitive impairments and determining baseline cognitive function. One of the most widely used tools, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), assesses various cognitive domains, including orientation, memory, attention, and language.
32 It is commonly used for initial screening but may have limitations in detecting mild cognitive impairment or early stages of dementia. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is designed to detect mild cognitive impairment and covers a broader range of cognitive domains compared to the MMSE, including executive function, visuospatial abilities, and attention.
33 Evidence supports the use of a composite score, the MoCA-Clinical Frailty Score, developed from MoCA, to evaluate hepatic encephalopathy severity. The MoCA-Clinical Frailty Score composite score is effective in predicting deterioration in health-related and overall quality of life measures within six months. Recent data have also highlighted the prognostic value of a “multidimensional” frailty tool in predicting adverse clinical outcomes. This underscores the potential of a multifaceted approach to therapy, addressing cognitive impairment, physical frailty, and depression simultaneously.
34 It is particularly useful for detecting subtle cognitive changes that may not be evident with other tests. Comprehensive batteries like the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
35 and the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB)
36 provide detailed insights into various cognitive functions, including memory, executive function, and processing speed.
48 Given the conflicting results on cognitive impairment in the literature, international researchers employ various comprehensive test batteries. One internationally recognized and widely used tool is the Wechsler Adult Reading Test, which enables assessment of baseline cognitive abilities before the onset of the disorder.
49 Alternatively, the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) can also be used, a well-validated, comprehensive set of subtests evaluating various cognitive domains such as attention, memory, and executive function. Each module within the NAB consists of several related subtests. Standardized scores for each subtest are derived based on demographically adjusted norms (age, gender, education), and standardized indices are calculated as the sum of the subtest performance scores within each module.
Psychiatric Questionnaires
The use of psychiatric questionnaires to detect cognitive impairment in patients with chronic viral hepatitis has been reported. The Beck Depression Inventory is a well-validated tool for assessing depression severity. It consists of 21 items that help identify two key factors of the disorder: the somatic factor, which includes symptoms such as loss of energy, changes in sleep patterns, irritability, changes in appetite, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and loss of interest in sex; and the cognitive-affective factor, which includes symptoms such as sadness, pessimism, feelings of past failure, guilt, feelings of punishment, self-loathing, self-criticism, suicidal thoughts, crying, agitation, and worthlessness.
38 Another effective method for diagnosing anxiety and depression is the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, designed to measure mental stress in patients with somatic conditions.
The Fatigue Severity Scale is a nine-item scale validated for use in patients with conditions such as hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis, and other chronic diseases. Despite the availability of numerous tools to assess fatigue, none provides both optimal specificity and sensitivity. This limitation contributes to the underestimation and the inadequate recognition and treatment of fatigue in patients.40 Given the absence of a single tool that encompasses all these components, it is crucial for researchers to identify which aspects of fatigue are most relevant to their study or patient population. They should then select a specific measure that best aligns with the relevant components of fatigue for their particular context.44
Neuroimaging Techniques
Neuroimaging techniques are used to visualize brain structure and function, aiding in the diagnosis of cognitive impairments. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is employed to assess structural brain changes such as atrophy, lesions, or white matter abnormalities. Structural MRI can help differentiate between conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
41 Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging can be used to measure brain activity and glucose metabolism, providing information on functional changes and is useful in diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders by identifying characteristic patterns of brain metabolism.
42 Functional MRI assesses brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow, providing insights into brain function and connectivity. It is used in research settings to explore cognitive processes and their neural underpinnings.
Cognitive Impairment Assessment
Recent research continues to advance the field of cognitive impairment diagnosis. New tools and techniques are being developed. Smartphone and tablet-based cognitive assessments offer portable and user-friendly options for monitoring cognitive function.
43 The main cognitive assessment tools available are divided into three categories. Firstly, digital versions of traditional tests include electronic adaptations of conventional pen-and-paper tests. Examples are the electronic version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (eMoCA) and the digital Clock Drawing Test (dCDT). These traditional cognitive measures are adapted for computer administration and often focus on assessing specific cognitive domains.
44 The second category includes new computerized neuropsychological products or test batteries specifically designed for screening, comprehensive assessment, or diagnostic purposes across multiple cognitive domains.
43 Examples include: the Geras Solutions Cognitive Test (GSCT), CogState, Computerized Cognitive Screen (CoCoSc), Inoue, and CANTAB. The third category involves new data streams for cognitive assessment, specifically designed for computers or other mobile platforms and incorporating advanced technologies. This includes cognitive assessment tools that utilize virtual reality and spatial navigation technologies, often integrated into specialized games and interactive environments.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are increasingly used to analyze neuroimaging data and cognitive test results, potentially improving diagnostic accuracy and early detection.
46 The AI can gain insights into cognition by studying the brain’s neural mechanisms, which are organized into networks within the cortex, based on uniform local structures, such as layers, columns, and basic local circuits. Furthermore, Surianarayanan et al. describe how collaboration between AI and neuroscience can enhance understanding of the brain’s mechanisms that generate human cognition. Artificial intelligence, supported by computational power, can facilitate large-scale simulations of neural processes, offering valuable insights into the generation of intelligence.
Determining the Appropriate Tool
The large number of tools available for assessing cognitive function reflects the complexity and variability of cognitive impairments, as well as the diverse needs of patients. Cognitive impairments can arise from a wide range of conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatric disorders, and chronic illnesses, each with different manifestations and severity levels. As such, no single tool can effectively cover all possible clinical scenarios, which explains the proliferation of different instruments. These tools vary in their focus on specific cognitive domains, such as memory, attention, executive function, and language, as well as in their ability to detect subtle cognitive changes that might be missed by more general assessments. For instance, while the MMSE is commonly used for initial screening, it may fail to detect mild cognitive impairment or early stages of dementia. On the other hand, more comprehensive tools like the MoCA or Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale offer a broader range of assessments, making them more suitable for detecting nuanced cognitive changes.
The variety of tools available underscores the importance of a personalized approach to cognitive assessment. Clinicians must consider the unique needs of each patient and select the most appropriate tool based on the cognitive domains they aim to assess, the stage of cognitive impairment, and the clinical context. For example, when evaluating a patient with suspected hepatic encephalopathy, the MoCA-Clinical Frailty Score (MoCA-CFS) composite score is particularly valuable, as it specifically assesses hepatic encephalopathy severity and predicts health-related outcomes. Meanwhile, for a broader cognitive assessment, neuropsychological batteries like the NAB or the CANTAB may be more appropriate. Additionally, with the increasing role of technology in healthcare, digital versions of traditional tests (e.g. eMoCA, dCDT) and new computer-based assessment tools (e.g. CogState, Geras Solutions Cognitive Test) offer convenient, portable, and user-friendly alternatives. These tools can be particularly useful for clinicians working in remote settings or where access to in-person assessments is limited. Finally, the integration of AI in neuroimaging and cognitive assessment offers new opportunities for improving diagnostic accuracy and early detection. Artificial intelligence can analyze large datasets from neuroimaging and cognitive test results, providing clinicians with more precise insights into brain function and enabling early intervention. This multifaceted approach ensures that clinicians can provide the most accurate diagnosis and treatment plan for their patient.